Queue the Interstellar soundtrack, you’re gonna wanna strap in.
So it’s pretty accepted that we look at life as linear (A→B) a straight line.
However, my thinking is that we should be looking at it as NON-Linear, and this reframing changes everything.
Non-linear means everything in time is either connected or occurring at the same time, and all possible choices and timelines are available to you.
This changes things, it means embracing a new framework. Usually, we live step by step, station to station. But this means realising the steps have always been, and will always be there. More like a web than a straight line.
Doing this means you’re not bound by anything and have more of a sense of choice. If everything exists all at once, you’re able to walk into the life you’re trying to create, because it already exists. The choices the person you are trying to be would make, where they would live, the career they would have. It's already done.
By the way, this isn’t spiritual BS, it’s studied theoretical science if you look into areas of physics like time dilation and black holes.
We may experience life in like an arrow being shot forward through time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look at things from another viewpoint.
So how does all of this relate to your life?
You realise that your current worries and anxieties will soon pass because somewhere on the non-linear timeline there is a version of you that has achieved their full potential. Every goal, vision and target you set for yourself has already been achieved, you just need to walk into it and meet it halfway.
This bird's eye view of things will help you gain objectivity and not attach to the moment itself. Helping you make rational decisions.
It helps you understand the non-permanence of things.
And above all, shows you that whatever you want is available for the taking, you are only truly bound by your own mind.
embrace the non-linear life.
Quote of the Week
"It's not that we have little time, but that we waste a good deal of it." - Seneca
Share this with someone that needs to see it.
until next time 🤞🏽
- Milan