It has been a long time coming, but here it is.
7 years of my journey collapsed in to this, I genuinely think it holds some of the most valuable content, frameworks and systems available on the internet.
Truly some Esoteric & Practical Gems inside.
It is about Self-Mastery. Conquering your mind.
The greatest project you’ll ever work on is yourself.
A constant, never-ending evolution, growth should be mandatory year after year, spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.
This will give you the guideline you’ve been looking for.
No filter, raw cut gems, learnt through pure experience.
I made the book available for pre-release and sent it to a few people, including business owners (in different parts of their journeys), Athletes, labourers, those a bit older and those a bit younger... and their feedback is what stands behind it.
And to be totally transparent, I wrote this with 18 year old me in mind, if I had this available and at hand at that age I would be much further ahead in life.
Many times people mistake these sort of topics for only being applicable in the context of business, that is not the case.
Self-Mastery is the foundational building blocks to success in all areas, it all starts with you. Like a fountain it will trickle down in to all areas of your life, if you have mastery in one area it is easy to replicate in to others. From controlling your dopamine intake by removing vices all the way to mastery in finances.
If you've been subbed to my email list for a while now, you'll probably put together that the underlying theme of these emails is self-mastery in some way or form, and has been leading to this.
So it made sense to put it together.
I also included some action sheets at the end to connect the dots with the information and the steps you should take. Such as a Daily Planner (used and proven by 7 figure business owners), A Goal setting system and a Monthly review system.
Click below to see more, Including the personal guarantee I've left at the bottom, I know I needed this when I was on my journey, I hope it serves you too.
See you thursday,
- Milan